Instead of waiting for my 18-year-old heat pump to stop operating in the middle of summer here in Florida, I decided to get the McCool 4 ton Versa before my old system got me. So, my Mr Cool arrived a few days after I ordered it and kept it in the garage until the weather cooled off since the Versa air handler was to be installed in the garage attic. However in the meantime, I ran the pressurized line set, purchased a few additional tools needed for the installation and hit the ground running when we got our first cool days. I took the old system offline by capturing the r22 freon in the old heat pump condenser, cut the lines and first installed with a little help, the Mr Cool outside condenser, the only thing that really required help. The attic air handler required me to pull the fan and the coil that lightened up the unit considerably, also allowing me to navigate it into the attic where I reinstalled both the fan and coil. Since the infrastructure was there from the old unit, it just required me to look up the existing AC and thermostat, mate the ductwork to the air handler and hook up the line set. I just followed the instructions and it all went very smoothly.
Finally, I hit the thermostat on switch and within a few minutes, had heat just in time for a 40° evening. Woke up to a cozy warm house for a change. Am very satisfied with my ducted Versa system and just in time because pulling apart the old system, it was very clear it wasn't going to make it another year or a week and feel great for saving thousands of dollars that I would have spent for a lesser system than this high-tech heat pump inverter system from MrCool.