Installing a range hood fan seems like a daunting task, but it's not as complicated as one might think.
Here are the steps you need for installing your very own Zline Range Hood fan (a more detailed video is posted below):
- first, cut through the vent to the outside
- slide the exterior cylinder steel exhaust into the hole from the outside
- from the inside, cut the steel cylinder so it is not sticking out from the wall
- check if the white flexible duct fits into the cavity inside the kitchen
- measure where the screws will go that will hold the base of the fan
- make sure your hood fan is 30-36 inches above your stove
- mark the wall where the screws will go and ensure it is level (use a laser level for a handy, accurate measurement)
- drill holes for the screws and insert the screws, but don't drill them all the way in
- mount the bottom portion of the hood on the screws and then drill them all the way in
- measure the white flexible duct and cut as needed to fit into the steel exterior cylinder and the bottom of the hood
- put in grease trap
- slide in grate covers
- screw wall plate to the wall but leave a half inch space to slide crown molding over the wall plate
- mount the metal chimney cover and screw in the sides
- slide the crown molding over the top and your Zline hood is complete!
Check out this video below for more detailed instructions and also includes how to replace lights on your Zline hood fan:
Take a look at all our incredible ZLINE products at Home Outlet Direct!